What is a Chemical Peel and how does it help?
The combined effects of sun exposure, environmental pollutants and a sluggish metabolism can damage our skin and make us look older. Certain skin conditions such as active acne, blotchy pigmentation can also be improved with chemical peels. Chemical peels are non-invasive and designed to promote cell turnover and growth for that healthy and more youthful looking skin
How does it work?
Chemical peels involve applying one or more exfoliating agents to gently remove the outer layers of the skin after which the skin will regenerate. This results in a healthier, smoother, clearer complexion.
We use a range of chemical peel ingredients to achieve the best possible outcome. Alpha- and beta- hydroxy acids are fruit acids that include commonly used peels such as glycolic, salicylic and lactic acids. These are light or “lunch hour” peels and are the mildest of the chemical peels. They burn off only the outer layers of the skin to smooth out fine wrinkles and rough, dry skin. Other peel ingredients used include trichloracetic acid (TCA) and retinoic acid.
Chemical peels may also be used to improve the texture of sun-damaged skin, balance skin pigmentation or diminish some types of non-textural acne scars. They are usually repeated to achieve the desired results and commence with a light treatment and build in strength as the skin’s tolerance to the peels improves.
What can AHA Chemical Peels do for me?
Some of the conditions that can benefit from AHA chemical peels are:
- Fine wrinkles
- Active acne
- Oily skin/enlarged pores
- Uneven pigmentation
- Hyper (increased) – pigmentation
- Sun damaged skin
- Rough dry skin
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