Quotes by Adrian Lim (The Sun Herald)
“The bottom line is most products don’t deliver”, Dr Adrian Lim from the college said. “There’s a huge gap between what’s proven to be effective.”…
Expensive creams that claim to turn back the clock do practically nothing and sunscreen is the only anti-ageing product that works, dermatologists say. And consumers are being ripped off when they pay hundreds of dollars for so-called “cosmeceuticals” when a cheap jar of sorbolene is just as effective. “Sunscreen is the No.1 product that can reduce blemishes and signs of ageing – it’s that simple,” Phillip Artemi from the Australasian College of Dermatologists said. “Don’t spend a fortune on products because it’s not going to make a difference. “Why spend $500 when you can spend $5?” The college’s annual meeting has heard that, despite extravagant claims, skincare giants don’t subject their products to scientific trials.
The bottom line is most products don’t deliver,” Dr Adrian Lim from the college said. “There’s a huge gap between what the cosmeceutical companies say and what is proven to be effective.” Washing with a gentle soap-free cleanser once or twice a day and applying sunscreen each day are the basis of a skincare regime dermatologists say.
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