What is IPL/ BBL Photo-rejuvenation?
In many ways, the effect of BBL photo-rejuvenation is similar to a laser, except this method uses a range of light wavelengths instead of the single wavelength characteristic of lasers. Thatʼs because different skin structures, such as capillaries or pigment spots, absorb light energy at specific frequencies or wavelengths. Photo-rejuvenation using the infrared range can also be used to give a more general heating of the collagen layer, which produces a light contraction or tightening of the skin around lax areas such as the face, neck, arms and abdomen.
What is photodynamic BBL and what is it good for?
Photodynamic BBL uses a light-sensitive lotion to further enhance the effects of BBL/ IPL. The light sensitive lotion used in this procedure is amino-leveulinic acid or ALA for short. This procedure is also known as ALA-BBL. Photodynamic BBL can enhance treatment results for pigmentation, blood vessels/ broken capillaries and the photorejuvenating effects of BBL in general. A unique aspect of photodynamic BBL is its effectiveness in gently treating sun-damaged skin and reducing the risk of skin cancers. Photodynamic therapy using ALA with a light source is an established method of treating certain skin cancers in dermatology. However, if you have any possible skin cancers, this should be properly diagnosed and treated and it should not be assumed that the photodynamic BBL used here is adequate treatment for skin cancers.
The benefits of photodynamic BBL:
- Improves pigmentation
- Improves redness and capillaries
- Improves skin complexion
- Improves skin health
- Reverses sun damage and reduces the risk of developing skin cancers
What can photo-rejuvenation do for me?
Blood vessels & facial redness
- Reduces and eliminates broken capillaries
- Facial redness may be the result of thousands of fine broken capillaries that when treated will lead to reduction in the appearance of facial redness
- Leads to less facial flushing and burning
Pigment/ brown spots
- Freckles, liver spots, age blemishes
- Face, neck, v-chest and hands commonly affected areas
Skin tightening
- Subtle tightening of face, jaw-line, jowls, chin and neck
- Other areas – arms and abdomen
Is everyone suitable for photorejuvenation?
We do not treat:
- Pregnant or breast-feeding women
- Children under age 18 without parental consent
- Current significant skin disease / infections such as cold sores at the site of treatment
- History of keloid scarring (special precaution in high risk areas)
- History of light sensitivity including connective tissue disorders, lupus, porphyria
- Patients on medication that causes sensitivity to light
- Any emotional, mental or medical condition that may impair judgment
- Before
- After – 3 Treatments annually